With an all-star cast of Giovanni Francesco as Batman, Ryan Driller as Superman, Alison Tyler as Wonder Woman, Aiden Ashley as Catwoman, Kleio Valentien as Harley Quinn, Brendon Miller as The Joker, Derrick Pierce as Lex Luther, Carter Cruise as Supergirl, and Britney Amber as Maxima, as well as Celeste Star and Lily Cade in the non-sex roles of Lois Lane and Carrie Kelley, respectively, Superman vs Batman XXX shows why it is indeed the 'World’s Finest.' Axel Braun’s vision brings to mind canonical accuracy that would please horny geeks the world over, with his use of iconic moments and speeches, to his subtle use of the Joker’s idiosyncrasies. One great parody has recently came out, Batman V Superman XXX, and it’s more than just a bunch of cheesy scenarios assembled to barrel their way into the next fucking scene. Rule 34 of course, ever being in effect, has wrought some really good (and some really bad) pornographic parodies of these films. Being a 80s baby, the way cinema has fleshed out my childhood in such realistic live action movies has blown away all expectations. Strange, and many others are comic book heroes many of us have spent our childhood reading about.
X-Men, Green Lantern, The Flash, Daredevil, The Punisher, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Dr.